

この調査には世界中の1 563人のエキスパートが関わり、企業は、リスク管理が全体的なビジネス戦略において重要な役割を果たし、長期的には業績に影響を及ぼすと考えていることを示しています。



This survey involved 1 563 professionals worldwide. It shows that companies think Risk Management will be playing a crucial role in their overall business strategy and affect their performance in the longer term.

Some key findings:

  • In a majority of cases companies make use of in-house Risk Management approaches, with just 36% of companies making use of at least one standard, guideline or framework for Risk Management.
  • More than 80% thinks that a structured Risk Management approach embedded into to their management system will add value to the organization and its stakeholders.
  • About 1 in 2 are motivated by the possibility to obtain financial benefits from applying Risk Management in their organization.
  • 1 in 2 have a Risk Management strategy/policy.
  • A significant number of companies, 2 out of 3, work with dedicated Risk Management teams. 40% of these however, have a limited scope.
  • 1 in 2 businesses expect to improve their Risk Management capabilities within the next 3 years.

For complete findings please download the ViewPoint report below. You might also be interested in an overview of the risk-related requirements in the new HLS-based ISO standards.  For that purpose a professional checklist has been added, allowing you to conduct a ‘readiness’ self assessment against these risk-related ISO requirements.

  ViewPoint report

ViewPoint report

Where are you on the risk management journey?

  Video infographic

Video infographic

See our interactive video on the main findings from the survey



Download the infographic


Intro to Risk Management in the ISO standards


Risk Management self assessment checklist

Compliance Rating Tool