Transition to ISO 22000:2018

Food safety management

Start preparing for the transition from ISO 22000:2005 to ISO 22000:2018. We can support you every step of the way.

The 2018 version of ISO 22000 was published on June 19 2018. With this release, ISO 22000:2005 will be withdrawn. Companies certified to the ISO 22000:2005 standard have to transition their certificate to ISO 22000:2018. Due to Covid-19 and the dispositions given by IAF, the transition arrangements and connected timelines are extended with 6 months so the transition end date changed from 29 June 2021 to 29 December 2021. The aim of the ISO 22000 is to harmonize the requirements for food safety management on a global level. The standard contributes to ensure food safety throughout the whole food chain from farm-to table. The standard does not state specific criteria for Food Safety Performance, nor is it prescriptive about the design of a management system.

Main changes in ISO 22000:2018

ISO 22000:2018 applies the ISO High Level Structure (HLS), common for all ISO standards. As it follows the same structure as other widely applied ISO standards, such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, it will be easier to integrate with other management systems.

Users familiar with ISO 22000:2005 will recognize that most of the requirements of the ISO 22000:2005 are continued in ISO 22000:2018. However, there are some new and revised requirements. Some of the changes are induced by the HLS, but in addition there are some that are specific for food safety management. Learn more about the changes here

Choose the transition package that suits your needs

DNV can guide you from preparations to transition to the new standard. As different companies need different levels of support to transition, we have prepared three transition packages that can support you on your transition journey. They include everything from basic awareness sessions and material to self-assesments and migration audits - depending on your need.

Get started on your transition process

We recommend to start preparing for the transition as early as possible and plan properly to incorporate needed changes into your management system. 

Recommended steps for the transition:

  • Get to know the content and requirements of ISO 22000:2018. The standard is available for purchase from ISO and possibly from your national standards provider. If you are a current user of ISO 22000:2005 you should focus on the changes in requirements. 
  • Ensure that relevant personnel in your organization is trained and understand the requirements and key changes.
  • Identify gaps which need to be addressed to meet the new requirements and establish an implementation plan. Implement actions and update your management system to meet the new requirements.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of implementation through internal audits and define further actions where needed.

Our auditors are prepared and have a full overview of the changes and what is required to transition from ISO 22000:2005 to ISO 22000:2018. We can support you in all phases of the migration, so that you can start preparing, assess your level of readiness and efficiently complete that migration.

How can DNV support your implementation?

The above packages bundle various services to support your transition process, and can include: 

  • Seminars, webinars, e-learning, self-assessment checklists etc. where you typically learn about the standard and where you get a basic overview of the content and key changes compared with ISO 22000:2005, the migration process etc.
  • Tutored training courses, in-company or public. The objective of these courses is to provide detailed insight into the content and changes and about the required steps for transition. These are modular courses where the level of detail can be tailored to your needs.
  • Gap assessment (workshops) where we assess your management system against the requirements of the new standard and identify the gaps that need to be addressed. This will provide useful input to your process to comply with the new standard. The level of detail of such assessment can be tailored to your needs.
  • Transition audits and benchmarking tools.